Meet the Creator 

Hello and Welcome i'm Sarah!

I'm a creative, funny, and determined gal from North Carolina, who wanted to turn her hobby into a profession.
I love staying active, cooking in the kitchen, watching romcoms, and traveling to new places. I believe that hard work and integrity are what make you stand out from the crowd. I have over five years experience working in Customer Service, a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary  Studies with a focus in Fine Arts and Event Planning.
On my 15th birthday I received my first camera and I have loved taking photos ever since. Throughout high school and college I began taking photos for friends and family and as that hobby has grown so has my ambition on what I can do with.
What once started as a means to outsource my creativity has developed into a greater passion. Photography has already allowed me to experience so many new things and grow and learn in so many ways and I can't wait to see where it leads me next!

Kairos Media was established in 2024 by Sarah Fulbright and is based in North Carolina. 

More detailed story to come...

our Story 

Kairos Media Company est. 2024

To capture defining moments with intentional purpose. 

our Mission


photography by Sarah Fulbright + Powered by Showit

Kairos MEdia Co.

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